How To Series: Studying

2 min readAug 6, 2021


Hey “twenties” people!

Today’s for learning how to study so you can keep those good grades coming in steady.

There are so many ways to study and accumulate things. You should know, there’s no easy way or fast gimmick or “cut soap” approach to studying. But…, there are ways to be more efficient at studying, even when you’re under pressure.

Read from the first day of resumption.

Stop rolling your eyes. It works.

Devote just one hour to studying every day and you’ll notice that when the ‘day of reckoning’ comes, you’ll be more than prepared.

Reading every day actually improves general understanding. Knowledge too.

Draw up a time table.

Little order makes everything better. See the rhyme there?

Time tables tell you what to read and when to read. We often miss out on the benefits of studying because we do not have a map to guide us.

Time tables are your map. Carefully draw them, use them and let them guide you.

Get rid of your phone.

Set it to “Do not disturb.” Put it in a bowl of rice. Switch it off.

Whatever works for you.

When it comes to studying, best believe your phone is your enemy. It distracts you and makes it easy for you to lose focus.

You’ll be amazed at how much you can achieve when you study without checking your phone for an entire hour.

Do some extra research.

Try Googling stuff you learn in school. There is so much stuff we learn that seem like rocket science till you read a much simpler version of them on Google.

Hope this helps. Time to ace those papers by getting A’s. Rhyme on fleek.

Love, Minty.

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