Four ways to keep your self esteem high. Like a kite. Know why you need high self-esteem.
Keeping your Self Esteem high doesn’t only improve your social. life but your mental health as well. Believing you are good enough gives no room for anyone to make you less than you are.
Know yourself.
Know what you are good at. Finding that thing (or things) you’re good at helps you improve your self esteem. Know yourself and you’ll feel way better about yourself.
Keep positive friends… and vibes.
Keeping positive friends around you is a big esteem booster. Choose friends that share similar goals and understand your kind of person. Bad company weighs you down and kills your motivation.
Bad friends. Bad vibes.
Say “no” when you need to.
Learn to reject people. Saying “no” has proven to be hard for certain people but if you can bring yourself to do it, you’ll be much more confident.Put yourself first. Say no to something inconvenient. And, you’ll be fine.
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