How To Series: Relationships.

2 min readJul 25, 2021


We often ask ourselves “how can I make my relationship last longer”. Keep in mind that this doesn’t guarantee No Break Up. If it’s meant to be, it’s meant to be but this might help.

Talking about your problems. The saying “don’t go to bed angry” is 100% true. If you are angry with your partner, don’t keep it locked up, it won’t solve the problem just prolong the inevitable.

Be realistic. This isn’t Cinderella or beauty and the beast, there is no prince charming and there is no perfect girl with the right shoe size. Keep your expectations at a realistic place so you don’t end up getting disappointed and blaming it on your partner.

Listen to your partner. Sometimes, we humans just want someone who would listen to our whines and cries about our bad days and horrible bosses or the weird person we met as we were getting a cup of coffee before heading to work. Attention is something everyone craves at a point.

Be Truthful. Honesty equals a happy relationship, you’d be surprised how a little white lie can destroy a long term relationship (not always the case). If you feel like it’s something you need to hide from your partner maybe don’t do it at all

Therapy won’t hurt of you feel stuck. Having been in a long term relationship, somethings might feel different and you both don’t know what it is but you don’t want to put an end to the special someone. Talking to a professional might just help you get the spark you need in your relationship.Hope this helps.

Love, Minty.

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