Cancel Culture & the Internet jury.

4 min readJul 17, 2021


Tofs, in-house contributor at Safespace discusses Chandler Moore’s ‘controversial’ wedding picture, cancel culture and the internet’s habit of passing judgement.

Recently Chandler Moore got married. Chandler Moore is a maverick city worship leader, he’s also quite popular for his feature on Nathaniel Bassey’s “Olorun Agbaye”. Anyway, he got married and posted pictures on the internet and as usual the internet people decided to be judge and jury about whether or not one of those picture was internet appropriate. The comments were wild! Some people concluded that he was not pleasing God with that picture, some said there was nothing wrong with it and that people should just rest. Some people said he was derailing young christians while others determined that the marriage would not last. All these from one picture!

One jpeg.

In my opinion, I didn’t think there was anything particularly wrong with the picture. It was their wedding reception and they were having. I didn’t think it was sexual. It did not even cross my mind until I saw the comments but another person’s comment was that everybody would know what Chandler Moore’s wife looks like having sex in that position. And my biggest problem is that they are blaming Chandler Moore for these people’s perversions. Someone said Chandler Moore should seek the Holy Spirit but he didn’t mention the Holy Spirit in his comments to the people that are struggling with sexual perversions. Each individual’s response to that picture is based on the things in their mind. Someone saw the picture and said it inspired her to wait for the right person and there are people who love God and still have fun and live. Another said that it made her realize that she can surrender every area of her life to God and that her marriage would still be fun even with God.

The internet can be such an unkind and toxic place. There, everybody is free to air whatever opinions and ideas they have and people want to always decide what is right or wrong. They want to be judge, jury and executioner. The religious community especially doesn’t make it any better. They tend to do it the most and although it usually comes from a place of concern, they make it difficult for people to interact with the One who know. They engage in the cancel culture so much. Oh this person has made a mistake, they have fallen from the grace of God. But who are you to know? Did God tell you or are you, like the person you judge, just making a mistake too? God saw exactly how Chandler Moore’s heart was when he posted that picture because he sees all things and he knows. So if God thinks He did something wrong, God will tell Him. Whether he chooses to accept or not, He’ll know and it’s still between Him and God.

Makes me remember one article I saw on IG where a lady talked about how God disappointed her. In the comments, someone was saying they don’t agree with her, that she is not pleasing God and that she should never speak about God like that. Problem is she was talking about her experience with God and only God should be doing the judging. Except he sends you of course. That’s what people don’t want to understand. Yes you are required to tell the world about God and yes your religion has a standard set of rules in your Holy Book but please let people have their experiences about God. Let them gain the knowledge that comes from revelations of asking questions. Certain things can only be learnt through experiences. Don’t do the Holy Spirit’s work. Allow people experience God for themselves and let Him work.

Generally, people tend to justify the things that work for them and to condemn things that don’t work for them or thing they don’t understand. And in the end, you cannot fight for God because he doesn’t need you to. He loves you just as much as He loves the person you are condemning. Let him be the Judge. Rather than troll people on their ideals, ask God for insight and mercy on their behalves. We are all just trying to be better. God says Love your neighbor. He didn’t exclude anyone. He knew what He meant. Love is kind and patient and it doesn’t envy, it is not boastful. Love endures, it is not self-seeking and it is not rude. Love makes you put yourself in other people’s shoes. So before you fight God’s battles in Instagram or Twitter or physically, ask yourself why you are doing it. Did God lay it upon your heart? Is it out of love? Is it to prove a point? Do you just want to be noticed? Do you think you’re better than the person? When you’ve answered the Why, you’ll know whether or not your heart is in the right place. Preach the Gospel, Yes! But lead with love too. You know God yes but you have your shortcomings too and breaking one law is still breaking the law. Finally, judge not, that ye not be judged.

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