Twenties Interviews: Sexuality & Schooling.

3 min readJul 16, 2021


Tiana opens up on sexuality, school and relationships in an interview with Precious, in-house contributor at Safespace.

Precious: Hello, before we commence the interview, I’d like to know if you want to use your name or you’d rather be anonymous.

Tiana: Anonymous.

Precious: Okay, for the interview we’ll call you Tiana. So, can we know your age?

Tiana: 21.

Precious: Alright so for a start, I’d like to know if you’d be more comfortable talking about your sex life or relationship, and if both would work.

Tiana: Both.

Precious: Okay thanks. If it’s something you’re definite about, what’s your sexuality?

Tiana: I’m still figuring that out, but right now I identify as bisexual.

Precious: Okay. But in this society we’re in, how has coming to that realization worked for you?

Tiana: It’s depressing sometimes.

There’s a high chance that people like me remain illegal forever in this country. And to be honest, I may not even get the opportunity to travel abroad.

Tiana: So the feeling that I may never be happy because I can’t openly be with whom I want, is depressing.

Precious: Sorry about that, I get what you mean. And for partners, how do they take this? Or do you never tell any partner or potential partner about this?

Tiana: I discovered or should I say I accepted what I was last and I’ve been single for over a year. But I would tell a potential partner.

Precious: Wow. Must have been a lot. So, for a little bit of context, are you still in school or not? It’d help me with some other questions

Tiana: I’m still in school.

Precious: So how has navigating school, relationships and finding your feet in everything been going for you?

Tiana: I don’t understand this question.

Precious: I feel whether we accept it or not, schooling in Nigeria is a bit of work. But you’re in your twenties and you have to deal with a whole bunch of things besides that. Relationship and trying to find your feet in life. So the question is basically asking how handling all of this has been for you.

Tiana: To be honest, I am currently avoiding certain things like being in a relationship. And I can’t easily find a job that would not affect my school work so it’s been very tough. I’m not living my best life, I’m just surviving.

Precious: I get you. This next question is a little bit of a diversion, but if you could change anything about all this; I mean your educational choices or relationship stand would you? And/or what would it be?

Tiana: Definitely my educational choices.

Precious: Why that? Did you lose interest or what exactly happened?

Tiana: I lost interest and I realised I made a mistake.

Precious: Hm… I understand, happens to the most of us. Is there probably anything you’d like to tell us?

Tiana: Uhhmmm. No I don’t think so.

Precious: Okay thanks for your time today.

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