Is Sex “energy-boosting" or “energy-sapping" ?
Precious interviews people on sex and it’s firsts, how it started and where it’s at now. Curious about it? Read our interview.
After a short break, the Twenties Sex and Relationships segment is back!
So, for my unnecessarily dramatic comeback, I held some interviews to know what people felt about sex and if it’s energy-sapping or energy-boosting. Here’s what they had to say:
- Sibyl Vane
Me: Hi Sibyl.
Sibyl: Hey there. Let’s get into it.
Me: You seem excited. I like it.
- How many times have you had sex?
Sibyl: Over 20 times, it’s hard to count.
Me: That’s understandable.
2. When was your first sexual experience and what did it feel like to you?
Sibyl: My first sexual experience was in JSS2, when a boy kissed me. I don’t remember much of what happened, but I know that after that day, I was a new person.
Me: Lmao. What do you mean by a new person abeg?
Sibyl: An 11 year old who just had her first french kiss. I was on a different wavelength. I felt untouchable.
Me: French kiss? That line is so cliche!
3. Describe sex in a sentence.
Sibyl: Sex is sex, the feelings and outcome however, are relative.
Me: Can you explain this better?
Sibyl: Only the feelings, emotions and reactions during and after sex are relative to the individual(s). Sex itself is what the dictionary has defined it to be.
Me: Last question now;
4. What’s your verdict: Is sex energy-boosting or energy-sapping?
Sibyl: Both. I’m speaking from a woman’s POV. After the sex, you feel drained (if you put in work and if you enjoyed it), but after some time, say an hour or so, you feel really energetic.
It’s like working out, you feel tired immediately after you’re done, but give your body time to rest and you’ll feel more energetic than when you started.
Me: Ohkayyyy... So energy draining and energy boosting is what you believe sex is right?
Sibyl: Yes.
Me: Okay. Thank you for your time Sibyl.
Sibyl: The pleasure is mine.
And on to the next because I didn’t have just one person. I mean we’re trying to have a poll sort of…durh…
- Olaniyi
Me: Hi. Hello Niyi
Niyi: Hi, Precious
Me: So, straight to the point…
- How many times have you had sex?
Niyi: Many times
Me: Interesting…
2. When was your first sexual experience and what did it feel like to you?
Niyi: Do you mean the first time I had sex or the first time I made out?
Me: Lmao. Any sexual experience
Niyi: Honestly. I can’t clearly say what my first experience was, but I know I was pretty young. I remember in primary 3, there was this gorgeous girl I was sexual with. My idea of sex then was basically inspired by nollywood, where whenever there’s a sex scene, they’ll only show legs that are locking do you get?
Me: Lol. Nollywood keeps inspiring!
Niyi: I tell you. But do you get the picture?
Me: Kind of, but then, what did it feel like to you?
Niyi: It felt really good… she was the most beautiful girl in class.
- Also, it felt like a sin, my parents are pastors so I was really scared of committing sin, but that particular sin felt good.
Me: Lol, Niyi the Rebel!
3. Anyways, can you describe sex in a sentence?
Niyi: When it is good, it can be the best feeling in the world
Me: And when it’s bad?
Niyi:It is very awkward, disgusting, and a little annoying.
Me: Hmmm…
4. So, what’s your verdict: Is sex energy-boosting or energy-sapping?
Niyi: I think it saps your energy immediately after the activity, but after a while, you feel refreshed, clear headed, energized and recharged.
Me: Oh wow. Nice way to explain you think it’s both. Thank you for your time today Niyi.
Niyi: No, thank you for you time
Me:Do you have anything else for us Niyi?
Niyi: Unless you want to dash me money
Me: K. Bye Niyi!
Niyi: Bye Precious
Third person comes in here, and our first anonymous person
Me: Let’s get into it then.
- How many times have you had sex?
Anon: A lot of times, I can’t count.
Me: Alright.
2. When was your first sexual experience and what did it feel like to you?
Anon: Over a year ago and it was painful, shitty if you ask me. I stayed away for a while after the first time.
Me: That must have been traumatizing. I’m sorry about that.
Anon: Yeah, it was traumatizing.
Me: Stories always romanticize the "firsts" so this is ironic…
Anon: Stories lie…
ME: True…
3. Can you describe sex in a sentence?
Anon: Beautiful, passionate and of course, exhausting.
Me:Ah. I like this. Simply straight forward.
Anon:(smiles) Only the best
Me: For the last question.
4. What’s your verdict: Is sex energy-boosting or energy-sapping?
Anon: Energy-sapping.
I hope you enjoyed these interviews. More importantly, I hope you have your own answer to that big question.
Today’s episode is more on the fun side of sex and relationships. We loveeee having fun. But, we’ll also be discussing some reallyyy deep topics in the near future.
We’re a safe space! We talk about everything. Till next time!
Thank you guys!