Twenties Friday Letters — 15!

4 min readApr 9, 2021


“Do you love you?” So many of us go on self-destruct mode trying to find the love we never gave our selves. After many tearful years, Mofiyinfoluwa tries a new journey. One which isn’t about what the mirror thinks. One which she reflects on in an all new love letter series as she strikes age 24!

Indeed it is a love letter. For you and for myself. And yes, you guessed right. It was written in the middle of the night. Send help. My birthday is in a couple of days and I’m panicky, as much as I’m happy and proud of myself. I mean, 24?! Wow! That’s quite a number of years, isn’t it? — insert goofy smile —

I mean, I wrote an ebook, last year. I wrote it in a couple of days (perks of the ADHD) — I have written a LOT of solid pieces, thereafter. I have a lot of food content (that I somehow just keep piling up, cos I prefer creating, to sharing content.) Anyhoo, there’s a lot of scary stuff too, but that’s just life.

I have realized that in spite of my numerous quirks, shortcomings and excesses, I love myself. Very dearly. And what is not to love? Don’t get me wrong, this isn’t the vain kind of self-love. It took me a long time to get here. And I had to first get to know myself, in order to love myself. I have a very beautiful face, although I don’t revel in the act of looking at myself face, all day. I have a brilliant mind, and maybe my school makes me feel, like I’m not conventionally intelligent, my wit? Omo! I could go on about all the admirable things about me, but I only know these things, because I spent a lot of time with myself, and actually got to know myself, like I would, a new friend. I was genuinely interested, and I got answers. Some of which I had to make peace with, but overall, I’m very proud to be myself.

My favorite things about myself, are not physical. They are, my child-like wonder, which I hope that I never lose. It is the ability to want to know. I often hear people ask me, “what can you not do?”, and it sometimes makes me feel self-conscious. Because, there honestly is a lot. However, I know that I have a proclivity to wanting to do things with my hands, so I am eager, to learn how to do as many things with them. Not, for financial gain, which is disappointing to some, but for the sheer joy of it. It makes me feel whole, happy, content to do things with my hands. For myself and for others.

The other thing that I really love about myself, possibly my favorite thing about myself, is my ability and capacity to love. In a world like ours, it’s honestly a rare trait. And I honestly have tried to understand it. I mean, it is like my heart locks onto a target, and chooses to love them, for as long as I possibly can. Rinse, and repeat. At times, I wonder, “why them?”, but I have not found an answer to this. And although I am sometimes not able to give love to a person, forever, I give it sincerely and as much as I can, while I can. And do I sometimes suffer imposter syndrome, of course I do. But it doesn’t stop me, from loving the next person that comes along.

I am sorry if this letter seems like an egotistical power trip, that is not my intention. I just wanted you to see, that spending time with yourself, and sincerely getting to know yourself, is something worth doing. And it shouldn’t be reserved for the “loners”. Even the “cool kids”, deserve to genuinely love themselves.

You have all my love,

But you should have your love too — And if you don’t mind me asking, what do you love about yourself?

  • Happy Birthday in advance, Mofiyinfoluwa! We love you.
  • We apologize for discontinuing last week’s “boyfriend series”. We gat you, it’s only a temporary move! Pretty soon — after the Mofiyinfoluwa’s love letter series, we’ll be right back with the fun experiences you read and loved last week.
  • Still send in your personal thoughts and struggles to We gat you! (Oops, I said that one earlier).




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