Twenties Friday Letter — 13

3 min readMar 26, 2021


If you’ve ever been tempted to compare yourself to someone else, especially on Obasanjo’s internet, then Ero-Phillips has a word for you — “don’t live your life trying to please anyone, because at the end of the day, they didn’t send you”

Hello everyone, as usual, I have to greet you first. I was shot too many daggers from my mother’s eyes while growing up, to know that I have to. Okay, quick story!

Before the quick story, here’s a backstory , Well I forgot which of the backstories I wanted to tell you, so I’ll skim over each one, as fast as my high functioning ADHD brain will let me, and if I forget what I’m saying midsentence, or just spiral down the rabbit hole, of another thought process, bear with me. Okay here are the backstories. I have lived in a couple of states, growing up. (yes, I’m a low budget Dora The Explora) My father moved the entire family from Ikoyi Lagos to Abeokuta, for reasons known to only God and possibly him too. I prefer to stay in Lagos for my holidays, so I stay with my favourite cousins and I choose to believe that they love having me around (i hope… *mini panick attack*👀) But I sometimes go home to Abeokuta for holidays, and I school in Ile-Ife, Osun state. And because of the interstate living, I have a couple of stores that I patronize for different things, in each state. Because I say “stores”, you think say I get money? Please oh! Maybe you’re my destiny helper.

It has now dawned on me, that I could have just said, “Because of school and travel purposes, I have a couple of stores that I patronize for stuff” and saved you the “backstories”, that seem more like fun-facts than anything else. And let me tell you, I regret nothing!

Okay, to my story, I was in one of the beauty stores that I patronize, to buy an eyeshadow pallet (as if I have used any of the five that I previously owned, in a while), and I ended up buying a mini makeup brush set (like I didn’t already own one) and a single powder and foundation brush too 👀. And the bill was 5 times more than I had bargained for. And you’d think that I’d turn back, or just stick with my original plan but no. I bought it. Cheers to the weeks of drinking Garri with a properly made up face, yo.

“What is the point of your story of sheer extravagance?”, you may ask. The point is that you should honestly just do stuff for yourself. If we’re being honest, it’s difficult to not use other people as a metric unit, but try. I honest to goodness knew that I needed additional brushes and I had always wanted to get that pallet, and I eventually did, but not for anyone. If I actually bought stuff to impress people, I’d have to put the useless things that I compulsively buy in storage. Because there’ll always be someone to impress. If you’re into that sort of thing. Better let the “someone”, be yourself.

My trip to the beauty shop aside, society has ingrained in us, this need to live the picture life. But Jon Bellion already spilled the tea. “They painted it wrong”! So here’s the point where I draw my conclusion and say. “Do it, if it makes you happy”, but happiness is fickle. Or, “Do it for the long term effects” but what’s the fun in that. (just kidding o, I refuse to be held liable, if you ruin your life) So, I’ll just say “You better be doing it for yourself.” At least, if it doesn’t pan out, and you fall flat on your face, you had fun while it lasted. Don’t live your life trying to please anyone. Because they didn’t send you. But me, I send you. So, send me money dear 👀

You have all my love

And you best believe it, cos I am awake at 3:30 am, giving you life lessons.

Please share your experiences and battles on this issue. I’d love to know that I’m not alone. You can also engage safe space’s discussions on Twitter and Instagram.




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