“New Year, Old me”

2 min readJan 11, 2023



Once it’s the year’s end, we begin to hear the all too familiar tunes people sing. And no, it’s not Mariah Carey’s “I don’t want a lot for Christmas” or Mrs D.A Fasoyin’s “Odun nlo so pin”.

All we hear and say are conversations around the all too popular — NEW YEAR RESOLUTIONS.

Typical lines go from “I’ll hit the gym everyday this year” to “I’ll be avoiding toxic guys this year” or more generic, “I’ll be a better person this year”. Trust me, we have all been there.

But the important question is, do we actually stick to our new year resolutions or forget them in mid January? do you just revert back to the worst form of yourselves rather than improving as promised ?

Or are we the type of people who go through with our new year resolutions and then begin to stick it in other people’s faces?

Not to sound like a hater, I’d say — “just breathe”.

Hype is unnecessary. Just do you and strive to be better on a situation by situation basis whether you achieve your resolutions or not.

If you feel you won’t be able to go through with it, then you honestly don’t need to make one. It’s not a crime to start a year without new resolutions, believe me.
And on the other hand, if you do go through with it and achieve all that you set out to do, be happy and proud of yourself. Do not stick it into other peoples faces or make others feel bad for either not setting goals or not being able to keep up with them, or for not achieving them all.

As for me, all I’m still trying to do is get out of bed throughout festive periods. No pressure.
We all differ, so do have a good year, have fun, and if you have those resolutions, I wish you the best.






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