Getting dragged on Twitter: “How to” deal.

3 min readDec 17, 2021


So when I wanted to write on this, I asked a number of people if they’d been dragged on Twitter before and how they’d handled it. These were some replies I got:

Me: Have you ever been dragged on Twitter before and how did you handle it?

A: Yes, countless times. It’s really a mental thing, you have to remind yourself that a troll’s opinion doesn’t really matter. But then it depends on your ability to let it slide, it’s best to just mute the tweet, because it can be overwhelming.

B: Yes. When (Nigerian) Twitter was still on without a ban. But, I no trend oh. Just went off (and) came back to thousands of comments under my comment on Instablog’s page on Twitter. I just replied all with laugh emojis. Honestly, I was cruising oh. But they took it serious.

C: Omo I no get time for rubbish, simple blocking the person and muting the tweet does it.

Now here’s what I have to say. In 7 out of 10 situations, people who get dragged on social media aren’t deserving but there’s still the 3 who probably deserved it. Isn’t it? So first, I think you should backtrack and see what you’d done that triggered a backlash. Now, don’t get me wrong, Twitter is a home for the cray crays and every form of modern madness but let’s kick off on the possibility that — you can also be wrong.

For social media, whether you’re in the wrong or whether you’re right, online hatred is no respecter of sides. It just lashes out. But when you’re in the wrong and you’re getting dragged, a realisation that you just committed an error is key. But when you’re not wrong and people chose to be unnecessarily mean, Phew.

If you fall under the first category, here’s what I’d tell you, put up another post just like the first that led to you getting dragged or trolled. You need to clarify that you realise your mistake and also take time out to educate yourself on the subject in which you committed an error. Secondly, go offline so you don’t lose your mind. T for thanks. Don’t say I didn’t help you.

And if you fall on the unlucky part — getting bullied unnecessarily. First off, turn off your data, wifi or whatever you’re using to stay online. Negativity is never healthy.

What happens next depends on how thick-skinned or thin-skinned you are and if your “fans” on the internet found something else to put their attention on. Everybody on the internet has got a short attention span, there’s too many content to feed on, and too many victims to prey on.

If you’re thick-skinned, the break would do you some good, because you literally “won’t send” but if you’re not, my first advice stays. Abeg, uninstall that app. Your sanity is more important thanks

And you’re probably thinking, “how long do I keep running away for?” Honestly, till you’re strong enough to ignore trolls. Because sadly, there’ll always be trolls on the internet so —

Basically. Know when to go off or just ignore things. Craze tings are happ-en-ing.

You also gotta realise trolls are victims too — imagine a possibly depressed fellow, disillusioned about life. The internet and the fortitude of a phone screen are concepts individuals hide behind to lash out at the outside world without consequences. Maybe we should consider love, and therapy initiatives for trolls.

Maybe not.

Maybe some are genuinely wicked. Maybe we shouldn’t make that our headache right now. Maybe we should focus on you first, the primary victims.

But after we’ve focused on ourselves, let’s love.

Precious, writer at safe space, instagram: @_milare_




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