LIFE, DEATH & Everything In Between.
At the start of this month I found out that someone who was in law school with me had passed away just two months after our call to Bar. And it hit me hard, because of how cruel and unforgiving death truly is. How it snatches second chances and opportunities to finally live the life you’d always wanted to. Because death was so wicked it did not allow her to reap the fruits of what she had so desperately worked hard for. It also reminded me about the brevity of life. About how the reality of life is that no one is getting out of it alive. What an irony.
It’s with this consciousness that I go through life; living each day as though it’s the last; creating memories that transcends time and soaking up in the present. I’ve given up giving into my fears and embrace failure and flaws wholeheartedly, because I one day realised that instead of village people, I was the one holding myself back. Everyday I decided to give into my fears of rejection and failure, I took ten steps backward instead of one powerful step forward. Everyday I allowed fear rule any decision I made, I held back from creating the life I envisioned; one I could truly thrive in and succeed. So, I decided to quit giving in and embrace my failures as I would my successes. It’s baffling how much of our true selves we’re willing to hold back just to give into our fears. And then I think to myself, if a powerless emotion like fear keeps us from truly emerging into the power we carry, then how much more a sliver or fraction of self-belief? How far would we run if we’d just tap into a little bit of bravery and courage to unveil the magic in us? Because fear in itself produces no power and creates no impact except you consciously feed it, but you see courage? Bravery? Just a little bit of that makes even the most ordinary man extraordinary.
I think about my inner child and how carelessly but confidently she’d written out her goals and ambitions once upon a time, with eyes that had not yet been blemished by the realities of adulthood. And so every time I shy away from stepping into my true self, I break the courage of the younger me.
So I beg you:
Enjoy each day as if it’s your last.
Take pleasure in the small things.